I was skeptical. The one time I've met with a midwife in the past (when I started training to become a doula) I was SO turned off that I vowed never to see one myself. Talk about irony.
I told this midwife that upfront. Told her exactly how I felt about the situation. Told her in depth about the relationship I had with my dr previously-and that I knew it was an anomolie and that I didn't expect to ever find that again, but that I wanted to feel like a person rather than a chart.
And then I sat back and listened.
This sweet woman gave me so much of her time, explained in depth her thoughts and expectations for prenatal care, labor, delivery, her theories on the entire process and on the provider/patient relationship. We discussed my preferences as far as care is concerned, the hospital staff and facilities at which she delivers...we even discussed slurpies. (long story)
I walked out of her office beyond thrilled. I felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off of my shoulders! My cute husband felt horrible that he couldn't be there with me, but after listening to me give a thorough run down of everything last night and seeing how happy I was about the visit told me that if I like her that much, it looks like she is the way to go.
In fact, I felt so confident about that choice after meeting with her, that I have decided not to even bother meeting with the other drs that were on my list. We got along fabulously, her office staff was very nice, and as a bonus, she is 40 minutes closer to home than the dr I saw last week, and 25 minutes closer than the closest of the other drs that I was going to meet with in a couple of weeks.
I never thought I'd be saying this, but I'll be seeing a midwife. And I couldn't be happier about it!
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